Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy Birthday the Greatest Brother Ever!

Daniel Jeffery Lincoln

I have always admired you from the day they brought you home from the hospital in Kodiak. I thought that you were the cutest baby ever and was really quite jealous over all the attention that you were given. Until I realized you really were a BOY! Then I felt sorry for you because you had that thing sticking out of your belly. (it was gross!) Soon I discovered that you were really were pretty neat because when Mom was busy with you she generally forgot about me and since Debbie was in school already and I was not... I began feeling pretty independent with you around to be the 'baby'. Having a brother was wonderful again!

I remember playing on the teeter-totter with you and trying to figure out what we could stack on your end to make you heavy enough that you wouldn't fly off when I bounced you..

Playing with your super-wowie self-peddled car since your legs weren't quite long enough to reach the peddles.

Building forts with lincoln logs for your cars and trucks and teaching you all the important details of construction. Details you quickly destroyed with one big fling of your arms so you could show ME how it was supposed to be done.

I will never forget the day you ran away. I felt so bad and wanted to stop you but Mom said to just leave you alone you would never make it to the end of the driveway. She was right as usual. You made it as far as the alders at the edge of the yard. I watched you the whole time from the balcony window!

I remember feeling guilty that you had to be the cowboy so I could be the indian because I always thought that the cowboys were the bad guys to hurt the poor indians who had lived in our country first.

I remember playing london bridges with you and Debbie and we would lock you up and you could never get out until we felt so bad we had mercy on you.

I remember sledding down the hill with you for hours. You were the only one who would stick it out with me no matter what the weather or amount of daylight.

Watching you figure out things was amazing and always made me feel a tad inadequate. I prayed once that God would give me more 'common sense' like you had. Book learning was easy but common sense was foreign to me!

I could go on and on about the blessing you have been to me but for now just know this...

I love you with all my heart and wish you the best birthday to date!

Happy Birthday!!

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