Saturday, August 21, 2010


My Visit with Mary

I have been remiss in mentioning my wonderful visit with my dear friend and sister, Mary. We went to visit Mary on Sunday the 8th of August and were able to stop by again on Monday afternoon and have lunch before heading over to take care of my rental property. Here is Mary at her brand new home in Mundelein. It is a gorgeous apartment home with a nice walking path and close to schools, church, and shopping. Since Mary is starting school again this month it is a great move for her and we wish her all the best in her new home!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Update

Well, I realize that August is well into it's second week and I have not posted since June. So let me start with proclaiming how awesome my Jesus is!! I am still looking for work but He has continued to provide. I have experienced His loving kindness in so many ways that I cannot begin to describe. The month of July was interesting to say the least and one of the highlights was participating in a Wilderness Way Adventures wilderness survival week. It was fun and educational but most of all inspirational for me. I got to spend a week in the Snoqualamie Pass, WA area with 9 others learning wilderness survival from Pastor Mike Lowe. What a priviledge and honor to spend the week learning with the group from Bellevue & Bremerton.

When the week was done I found my family in great stress and so the kids and I went back to Hamilton where we decided to take the time to enjoy one another and to spend time with Grammy Elaine.

Jordan all packed for the trip with his 'friend'.
We are currently still enjoying one another as we are on a road trip which has taken us to St. Louis, MO and Waukegan, IL. We drove from Hamilton, MT to Kadoka, SD the first day and then drove on to Kansas City, MO the second day. On day three we made it to Timber Creek Resort in De Soto, MO. We stayed there for 5 days while we waited for Grammy to join us. She flew from Alaska to St. Louis where we met her and drove to the Harrah's in St. Louis.

We were there for 9 days where we finally made it to the top of the Gateway Arch, and then drove on to Fox River Resort in Sheridan, IL. We stayed at Fox River for 6 days and while we were there we drove up to check on our house and worship with our family at Sign of the Dove in Waukegan. We were so homesick for our family there!!
We had a wonderful time after worship visiting with Anne & Felicia and baby Amaya. We then had a wonderful fellowship with Don & Jan Arnold and Jared. It was as if we had only been gone a few days!
We are headed back home to Montana after 22 days and it looks like we will be home sometime on Saturday. So far, we have had lots of fun but more importantly have grown together and learned so much about what God has planned for us. Trusting Him is a lifelong journey and we are only at the beginning of ours.

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

A Good Read...

  • Rooms by James L. Rubart
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Any book written by Terri Blackstock
  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere