Sunday, November 24, 2013

One day we will 'wake up' and realize just how short and temporal this dream is that we call 'life'.  I am reminded again and again that we are created for glorifying God and to spend eternity with the Father.  What does God want me to be focusing on today?   Who am I to be sharing His love with today?

There is a spiritual battle being fought every day.  The question is am I aiding the Father or standing in the way and giving the enemy an unwitting ally?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sometimes I Wonder...

Will it really matter if there are dusty bookshelves when I die?  Will God hold that against me?
Do we all start over in Heaven?  Will it matter if I have a degree or what I have accomplished on earth?  I don't think so.  I think it is all like chaff that will burn away.  I truly believe the ONLY thing that matters is our relationships. With God and with others.   So many times I find myself asking "will it matter?" and that leads to the question how much in this life is really useless?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ready, Set, Go!

Well, I may be jumping the gun a little bit but not by much!   Two weeks until we head out for the K-Love Friends and Family Cruise again!  Yeah!!!!
I am so needing a break and so excited to use the time off from 'work' to work on my new Solavei adventure.  I am so excited about the new promotions and the possibilities that are just waiting for those who want them.  Check this out to see what I am talking about.  SOLAVEI  You can not only save on your phone bill but also have your phone pay for itself.  True stuff I am not exaggerating.   Anyway, while cruising in the sunshine I am going to figure out how to work in my sharing the vision with others while also working and schooling and just being a mom.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Scenes from Christmas 2012

Jennifer sending a Happy Birthday Jesus! email.

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

A Good Read...

  • Rooms by James L. Rubart
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Any book written by Terri Blackstock
  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere