Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just when I think I have it all figured out...

We love the library! (We average 4-5 visits a week)
The obvious reason is that we love to read. Well, Jennifer and I do.. Jordan is still being coerced into reading but does well when the subject matter is appealing.

This past Wednesday I took the kids to the library to drop items off and check out new materials and took the opportunity to get some good reading material for them to expand their school learning.

We plan on visiting Amsterdam in November/December and I thought how great it would be to learn about Anne Frank. (The Hiding Place) Well, I found several children's books and picture books and even came across one in comic form. However, Jennifer was adamant she was not intending to read any of them unless I 'made' her do it. I figured I was going to have a slight fuss on my hand and had decided we would pick one or two and read them together each evening. We are currently reading This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti.

Imagine my surprise when I came home Thursday and found her reading the largest volume, "The Diary of a Young Girl: the definitive edition" and was almost finished! She finished it Friday.. I am still in shock! Not over the fact that she put away 400 some pages like it was nothing but because she decided to read it and kept reading it and is able to really discuss Anne Frank's life.

It doesn't take much to make me smile and feel good inside and that definitely did it!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall thoughts

School is going well for the kids and they seem to be enjoying it so far. Jennifer is playing volleyball again this year and they will both probably play soccer. Jennifer had her first game yesterday and the other team cancelled so it was a rather sad first non-game.

I am having a hard time right now in my personal life and if you don't mind the boring details and the fact that I sound like a broken record...

Why do I always do what I know I shouldn't do??? --- read instead of folding clothes, and the list goes on long enough to make your head spin..

I know I am not completely lazy afterall I am an endurance athlete and love most challenges. I realize I am an addict. Addicted to reading. Anything with the exception of the Word. That I spend a fraction of the time reading. (I spend about 6 hours a day reading!)

There are times when it seems I have to stay distracted because I don't want to hear what He is trying to say to me. I vacillate between guilt and justification and neither one is acceptable.

Big question is why do I keep falling for the same trap over and over again??

Obviously once I recognize what the enemy is doing... maybe it is not the enemy but my own rebellious heart! Ughhh!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Setbacks are not Failures

A counselor once told me this truth and it has proven itself out over the years. Setbacks are just that- a set back from where we once were. They do not equate to failures unless we allow them to. I have encountered a setback and it has been disappointing but I am not allowing the enemy of my soul claim any victory in the matter. I merely have to keep pushing on and persevere just as Aposple Paul encourages us. What is my setback? I am back in a splint and cannot do much at all with my right hand. Mowing grass, everyday household chores, and even shifting gears to drive are once again out of the question or at least severely limited.

God is still on the throne and He still has His best interests at heart and that is my confidence.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Thanks Rich!

A good friend of mine sent me a sweet email and made me realize that I haven't followed up on my blog. Praise God for His ear is quick to hear our heartfelt prayers and He has answered mine! I have had some sweet precious time since the previous entry and am once again up early in fellowship and spending time with Jesus! It is a JOY and not a burden to spend the wee dark hours with Him!!

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

A Good Read...

  • Rooms by James L. Rubart
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Any book written by Terri Blackstock
  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere