Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Praise Report and Promises

Praise God!! I actually made it out of the bed this morning before the alarm and had a wonderful time with Jesus this morning!!

Okay, so what is the big deal you are now wondering or not... Ughhh.. I have been battling "Hibernia" for the past three weeks or more feeling like my body was going into a deep sleep for the winter and unable to get out of the bed. Fighting my body and mind to make it out of the bed and spend my precious time with the Lord was more difficult than an Ironman. I have always been a 'morning person' and so this change has been hard for me to accept and feeling like my life was out of control. I went through the whole list of possible explanations and finally last night in Jeremiah 29:12-13 I found what I needed to get my mind set off myself and how I felt and back where it needed to be - on Christ!

Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
You will seek Me and find {Me} when you search for Me with all your
heart.' Jer 29:12-13

So I sought Him this morning! Actually, I was still running late for work though... I guess an hour in the morning isn't enough when I really am seeking Him. Praise God for His faithfulness and for His promise.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who
walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom 8:1

Praying that your day is blessed and you also are walking in these promises. Jer. 29:12-13 and Rom. 8:1

In Christ Alone,


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mama Glo in Kenya

Mama Glo & baby Purity - Kenya (top) Gloria with Rwandan Dancers

My new friend Gloria Cooper who works with the Ushindi Children's orphanage in Kenya sent me these pictures and I want to share them.
Mama Glo and Ushindi Children
Gloria shared this with me and so I post it here so that your prayers can be added to mine.

"We now have 218 total orphaned children at Ushindi Children's Discipleship Homes. It is exciting to watch the Lord work in and through His children. We are praying to build another U-home and a baby unit. Please pray for the new U-children as they come with all sorts of spiritual attacks, pyhsical (health) and pschological issues. Pray for the staff and nationals, teachers at the school, nurse at the clinic and leaders to be hold close to the Fathers heart, not to grow wery in doing good.

My husband Bob and I are looking to go to Africa this year in May or so. Please pray as we have proposed to go into the mission field full time 1-2 year term unless the Lord goes slower and we do a couple of trips this year in orphan ministry Kenya. My heart is to serve all of Africa's children with the LOVE the Father has given me."

Serving in Joy,
Mama Glo <><

I've Been Waiting...

I’ve been waiting to dance with you in fields full of colors you have never seen
I’ve been waiting to show you beauty you never dreamed that’s always been in you.
I’ve been waiting to see you tremble as you’re embraced by a world saturated with My love.
I’ve been waiting for the day when at last I get to say “My child you are finally home!”

I’ve been waiting to watch you realize what all your longing was for.
I’ve been waiting to show you the thread of grace that ran through all your pain.
I’ve been waiting to let you drink the water of which your greatest joy on earth was just a taste.
I’ve been waiting for the day when at last I get to say “My child you
are finally home!”

Every tear you cried dried in the palm of my hand.
Every lonely hour was by my side.
Every loved one lost, every river crossed…
Every moment of every hour was pointing to this day... I’ve been
longing for this day...
I’ve been waiting….Oh Child of Mine!

from Martyr’s Song by Todd Agnew

Oh what a day it will be and what a comfort to know that He awaits us as passionately as a groom his bride. I am so amazed by His love for me and long for more of Him and more of His passion. How do we see outside this world into His world while walking this path here on earth? I am going to find out and when I know I will share it with you. I believe that like Elisha our eyes can be opened and we can see that which others cannot see in mere flesh. So often I have pondered the why’s of my faith – Why don’t we do ‘even greater things’ as Jesus said we would? Why do so many Christian denominations not get along? Why are spiritual gifts more evident in third world countries than in America? Why do I fail in the same areas of my life over and over again? These are really not requiring an answer because I already know the answers but even knowing the answers I keep finding myself still asking the questions. I want to be so filled with and walking in the Spirit that I will no longer be pondering these kind of questions but will be moved into action and making changes in my circle of influence and broadening that circle daily.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Holiness is what God wants for us. Why is it something we tend to act as if it is not possible on this earth? Why would God tell us to "Be holy for I am holy." if we could not acheive it?? (1Pet1:16) So then comes the question of why do we think of it as something only for the super spiritual people of this world. We make excuses for not living holy and yet for the life of me I cannot think of a single excuse that I could make that wouldn't sound absolutely ridiculous when I stand before my Lord. Let's see.. Well, Lord, I am still living in the flesh and so therefore I am constantly being tempted.. Truth of the matter is that God has provided a way of escape for every tempation and He has also given us the ability to instantly repent and continue walking in His freedom when we do err and sin. Therefore we have no excuses and so we have only one way to live and that is in holiness. I choose to live holy through His grace and mercy and the ever present guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

A Good Read...

  • Rooms by James L. Rubart
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Any book written by Terri Blackstock
  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere