Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Yet another loss...

Yesterday I asked Jordan to check on his snake that we had isolated because it was refusing to eat. It finally ate the day before yesterday after I had done some research and discovered that some corn snakes won't eat unless it is dark. So we isolated it, covered it with a blanket and left it with the food in the container and were so happy when it finally ate on Monday. Yesterday I thought we may be ready to put it into the container with it's companion again. Jordan went into his room and came out and didn't say a word just stood there with tears in his eyes.

Not again I thought and started praying for my son as he has already had so many losses (remember mostly my fault) already.
Sure enough, the snake they called 'Tiny' was dead. It looked as if something had ruptured inside and that may have been why it wasn't eating in the first place. I don't think it is going to be something we will ever have an answer to but it was disheartening for Jordan and I especially. Jennifer's two snakes are just fine as is Jordan's remaining snake. Leo is growing like a weed and seems to be doing just fine.
I am starting to think that the reptile route isn't the best one to take because it isn't like a dog or a cat that you can rush to the vet and they are much harder to "read" when there is something wrong. They don't howl, meow, cough, or moan when in pain.
Another loss and one Jordan took very hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your snake, Jordan. Andy was sad when his lizard died, too. It is never an easy thing to go through. We love you buddy!
Aunt Jen, Uncle Dan, Andy & Emily

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