Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Holiness is what God wants for us. Why is it something we tend to act as if it is not possible on this earth? Why would God tell us to "Be holy for I am holy." if we could not acheive it?? (1Pet1:16) So then comes the question of why do we think of it as something only for the super spiritual people of this world. We make excuses for not living holy and yet for the life of me I cannot think of a single excuse that I could make that wouldn't sound absolutely ridiculous when I stand before my Lord. Let's see.. Well, Lord, I am still living in the flesh and so therefore I am constantly being tempted.. Truth of the matter is that God has provided a way of escape for every tempation and He has also given us the ability to instantly repent and continue walking in His freedom when we do err and sin. Therefore we have no excuses and so we have only one way to live and that is in holiness. I choose to live holy through His grace and mercy and the ever present guidance of the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

Mr. Jackson said...

Neat blog, Danae!
I like all your photos and it's so great to see God shining through you!!!

Much love,

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