Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall thoughts

School is going well for the kids and they seem to be enjoying it so far. Jennifer is playing volleyball again this year and they will both probably play soccer. Jennifer had her first game yesterday and the other team cancelled so it was a rather sad first non-game.

I am having a hard time right now in my personal life and if you don't mind the boring details and the fact that I sound like a broken record...

Why do I always do what I know I shouldn't do??? --- read instead of folding clothes, and the list goes on long enough to make your head spin..

I know I am not completely lazy afterall I am an endurance athlete and love most challenges. I realize I am an addict. Addicted to reading. Anything with the exception of the Word. That I spend a fraction of the time reading. (I spend about 6 hours a day reading!)

There are times when it seems I have to stay distracted because I don't want to hear what He is trying to say to me. I vacillate between guilt and justification and neither one is acceptable.

Big question is why do I keep falling for the same trap over and over again??

Obviously once I recognize what the enemy is doing... maybe it is not the enemy but my own rebellious heart! Ughhh!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for His grace toward us. It is endless.


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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

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