Friday, December 16, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I can’t believe how quickly the years go by the older in years I get… I went sledding the other day with the kids and thought how much fun we had sledding last year in Alaska. It seemed like just a few months to me and yet Jennifer and Jordan were sure that it was more than just one year ago.
The kids and our friend Mary decorated a beautiful gingerbread house last night during our Bible Study and it turned out so adorable, they had such fun making it and it was a wonderful way to demonstrate the importance of building our foundation on Christ the Solid Rock. I have decided that I will try to let them do one every year from here on out just to see the improvements over the years. I hope you like the pictures.

I took the kids on a field trip to downtown Chicago today. We went to go get their airline tickets for January when they go visit Grandpa and Grandma Lincoln and to go to the Federal Building to get my Passport application turned in. It was not as much fun as I had hoped due to the cold, wind and wet slushy sleet, but it was great spending time with them and looking at the cool buildings, neat window decorations, and as Jordan puts it..”all the crazy looking people”. Once again we are starting the weekend with more things on our 'to-do-list' than we can possible hope to accomplish but as always we will give it our best shot. We will be making several Birthday cakes for Jesus' Birthday next Sunday and we will also be making fudge, cookies, and Rice Krispy Treats. We are going to be volunteering at the ROPE house on Saturday all day and night and hopefully getting in a sledding trip during the day with the residents. Sunday is worship and then we are having a few families over afterward for fellowship and food. I am so blessed!

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