Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Are You A Nomad?

You must be careful when you give a student too much freedom in their writing selections or you may end up with something similar to this:

There are various ways to tell if you are a nomad. Here are a few to get you started.

You might be a nomad if your packing boxes also serve as dressers. If you find it tedious to pack, unpack, and fold clothes over and over again, then you probably don’t utilize a dresser in the first place. Supposing that you move more than the average person, even a mid-sized dresser is unwieldy to move with, especially up and down stairs. For my family, we’ve found out that stackable plastic drawers can work as dressers as well as nightstands and for regular storage.

You might nomadic if you have multiple phone numbers on speed dial for pizza places across the country. Pizza is a staple food in most people’s diet. It is practically its own food group. If you are on the road a lot it is easy to eat out or pick up. Pizza makes decent leftovers, whether it is hot or cold. One thing you have to be careful of if you have multiple numbers, is calling the wrong one. Be sure to label each number carefully or someone might get a free pizza.

You might be a nomad if your mail has four or more forwarding stickers on it. It also might take a year to get to you. If you have ever had a lack of birthday and/or Christmas cards or packages, it might be that your mail has not had enough time to catch up with you. Do not panic. All you need to do is slow down and stay in one place for a while. Or, if that makes you antsy and long for the open road, then transfer the address to your parents’ house -- with their permission, of course.

When you hold Library cards from 5 libraries in 3 different States and they are all still active you may consider a Nomad support group.

Remember, if you ever think you might be showing nomadic qualities, check to see if you have normal dressers. Then search you phone for numerous pizzeria contacts with different area codes. Lastly, look at the postmarks on your mail. Good luck.

By Jennifer

By the way, this was inspired my the "my whole bedroom suite is made from moving boxes", "Mom, you have Domino's on speed dial for Montana, Idaho AND Washington!", "Have you checked your library account in Hamilton lately? They have a book in you placed on hold." (We are now living two States away in another time zone.) Well, once she got going we found ourselves both laughing and sighing over some of the realizations. We are still looking for a Nomads Anonymous group but it keeps relocating!

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  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
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  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
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