Thursday, June 07, 2007

God cares about me.

This morning I woke up ‘late.’ However, I have been relying on the Holy Spirit to wake me up for some time and now that seems like a very absurd statement. What do I mean? I pray before lying down to sleep for the Lord to wake me up when He desires for me to start my time with Him. I changed this way of operating a few months ago when I realized that my quiet time was more like a routine that I got into - waking at 4 am to spend time with Jesus. I was having a hard time getting up in the mornings and after praying I decided to trust Him in this area and it has been interesting to see Him in action. Sometimes it is several times a night that I awake knowing in my spirit that I am to pray for something, at times it is specific like a certain family member and others it is something general like a nation or a project. Other times, I am wakened to a peace so sweet and a love so strong that it draws me out of bed and into His presence with eagerness. I realize it is not quite the usual discipline for believers but until He changes my heart to do differently I am sticking with my Holy Spirit alarm clock. Back to this morning…

Well when I went to bed last night I was in a lot of pain from my injury and when I woke up this morning (slept straight through!) the clock read 6:29 and my arm was hurting just as badly as when I went to bed. Pain killer had definitely worn off. I was going to be late getting to work (Praise God I can flex my hours like I can!!!) I was trying to read my daily reading (John 17) in a rush when I felt that the Lord was trying to tell me that He woke me when He wanted and that today I was to totally trust Him. I stopped reading and got ready to leave for work. Driving in the pain was really bothering me (hard to drive a manual transmission with one arm) and I was listening to worship music but not really entering into the worship. I felt like I wanted to just have a good cry and call someone who would understand and really empathize with me. Ever felt that way??

Then it was like the absurdity of it hit me! WHO?! Who could I call at 7 a.m. that: 1) would not care that I was interrupting them or possibly waking them. 2) would even be able to understand the pain and the frustration of my injury. 3) would be able to empathize, comfort me, and actually help me feel better. I thought through my list of possibilities and came to the conclusion that no one I could call on my cell phone (I couldn’t even use it while driving one-armed!) would I dream of calling because while they may fill some of the needs, I didn’t believe they could fill all of them. Call on Jesus! The words to a familiar song echoed in my head and my heart and soon my mouth!! I began to praise Him, I began to call on His name and glorify Him. Peace and comfort is probably the most precious commodity in my opinion. That is what I had. I drove on into work with a secure awareness of His love for me, knowing that He does fill my every need and even those I don’t know I have yet. God cares for me!

So what?? Well as I was walking from my car into the building I got a beep indicating that I had a message on my phone. It was a simple text message. “Be encouraged God loves u so much!” sent at 7:19. Now, my heart started singing because this person had no idea what God was doing or what I needed but obviously they were obedient to the Holy Spirit and He used them in a very powerful way! God cares about me! He cares about you too!!

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

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  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
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