Thursday, December 28, 2006

Uganda Photos

Enjoy this peek at the week.
Kitchen area and cooking supper over wood fire. Charcoal is the usual cooking fuel and wood is for large fires.

Latrine at church and the womens dormitory at the boarding school.

Papa Ange's Rwaandan dancers and drummers.

(Below Top) Pastors Jason Dewey and Daniel Kaggwa and Mrs. Erica Kaggwa, Pastor Deborah Stackhouse and daughter LaTay Stackhouse. (Bottom) Chantal Hotereshi and Mary Rockingham. Chantal has been declared cancer free by her doctor Praise God! We had prayed for her in Feb. as her breast cancer was quite advanced and a complete masectomy was recommended.

The Street by SOD UG and time with the Prison Ministry

(Top) This is a baby dedication service that Pastor Harry conducted on Sunday the 3rd of December. Mrs. Erica Kaggwa is holding a twin and is wearing the bright patterned dress in the middle.
(Bottom)Pastor Daniel Kaggwa and his lovely wife Erica join us for breakfast at the hotel.

(Upper Top) We were given the priviledge of serving the women attending the conference breakfast. Notice it isn't quite the same as what we were eating at the hotel. They were served a porridge of white maize starch with sugar added. Tasted like corn starch paste just hot and very liquid. (Bottom)Women's Morning Glory - Corporate prayer and study at 6 am every morning.

(Below Top) Sign of the Dove Childrens Ministry performing! Pastor Dan & Erica's children are Elijah (third from the left in back row), his sister Gloria on his left (behind mic stand) and his little sister Shalom in front of Gloria. Shalom and I share a birth day! (Bottom) TZ Dancers

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Here are some pictures from the kids Christmas play. So cute!

We shared Christmas Eve Dinner with Anne Tronetti, Norma, Marcos, and Marquita Levy, Mary Hannigan, Darrick Wordlaw, Jared Garth, and Marie Augustin.
We celebrated His birth with Mary, Jared, and Darrick and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful extended family here in Illinois.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Grammy Elaine's Visit

I am so blessed to have a family that not only puts up with me but loves me too!! I was so thrilled when my Mom offered to come down from Alaska to watch Jennifer and Jordan while I was away in Uganda to minister there. Praise God!! Here were some pictures of Grammy with the kids and also my new siding and windows that were finished just last month. I have been asked to remove all photos of my mother from my blog so these have been removed. Praise God for family photo albums!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Tremendous! Amazing! Powerful! Incredible! Motivating Dynamic! Wonderful! Awesome! Life Changing! Inspiring!! Humbling. These are just a few words to describe the 1st Annual Leadership Conference at the Sign of the Dove Ministries Uganda. The list goes on and on…

Praise God for the heart and mind of Pastor Dan and his lovely wife Erica! Their vision, dedication and faithfulness paved the way for a truly unforgettable conference. There is so much to say and to share with everyone but I am still trying to get my body readjusted and so please indulge my bits and pieces as I find the time to add my thoughts.

December 1 - 10, 2006 Zzana, Uganda

The rain was a prelude to the showers that would be poured out by the Holy Spirit. I cannot compare the trip with the one in Jan/Feb so I won't even try. The conference brought about a whole different atmosphere as leaders and worshippers from seven different countries joined together to learn and grow together in an effort to build the body of Christ. As an intercessor I can say that the ground was ready for planting and the hearts of those present were for the most part ready to receive.
(Sidebar) However, I felt God was working in me more than ever as He gently showed me areas of my own heart that He wasn't pleased with and allowed me to receive His correction in a tender way. Not to say that it wasn't painful but believe me, it hasn't always been so gentle. I am so grateful that I listened to both my pastor and the Holy Spirit because the breakthough I experienced was priceless and I can honestly say that I am not ever going to be the same. Now some of you are probably wondering what on earth was so ugly in my life that I needed a 'breakthough', right? That is the wonder of His love! He showed me things that I didn't even see and would never be able to change after it was obvious. The bottom line is that deep inside I held on to pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, and a lot of other 'issues' that I had conveinently masked as 'harmless traits' when the Truth shined His light on them it was just plain UGLY. Amazing though how once something is labled or given a name it loses its power as we can address it for what it is. I cannot explain the changes that He allowed to take place in my heart but I can say that I am humbled at His grace and awed by His love for me. My prayer is that all of those that I have hurt over the years will be able to forgive me also and I will be able to correct any past offenses. He grace and mercy is new every day praise the Lord!

I will be back to finish the highlights of the leadership conference tomorrow. Love you all!!

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

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  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere