Monday, March 30, 2009

Where is Spring?

Sunday we awoke to 8 inches of snow!! On the 9th day of spring??!! What is wrong with this picture? I am so glad we had our Yard Sale two weeks ago while it was still nice outside. The snow was so wet and heavy we couldn't get out of the house because it had drifted up against the screen door and not until we had missed church, had breakfast, and bemoaned the loss of our day did Jordan finally think about crawling out the front porch entry which was packed with Yard Sale stuff. He crawled out and shoveled out the main entry and then shoveled a path out of the driveway. Jennifer went out and helped him and they both saved the day! We missed church but were filled with awe at the hand of God in the form of His sovereignty. He determines where the snow falls (and rain) and when the sun shines! Our God Reigns!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jordan's one day in the water!

Yes, Jordan survived although 82 others didn't!

Don Arnold, our fearless & energetic leader! Enjoying the success of the hike up the Napali Coast.

Our favorite overlook.

Fearless daughter loving the view.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Kauai - The Windy Island

We joke about it now... We flew to Kauai to freeze. The weather was not very cooperative for ocean fun and sun but the beauty of the island was still breathtaking.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Arizona Homeschool Pictures

We didn't end up with a lot of pictures but here are some highlights from our week of continuing eduction on the road in Phoenix. They thought they were on vacation!

Shop Class 201 - Electrical Wiring

Algebra not too exciting for Jennifer though she is a whiz at it!

Chess club (strategy)

History Lesson at the Renaissance Festival Student Days

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

A Good Read...

  • Rooms by James L. Rubart
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Any book written by Terri Blackstock
  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere