Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Springs State Park, Missouri


Jennifer at her first volley ball game of the season. They won and she played awesome!!

Team Minds United First Lego League Game Board

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

His Embrace Childrens Home Update




So, what do you think of the kid’s work at school? Well the kids are hard working, most of them have show great interest in their work. They are always active and fun to work with. Math and English are the two subjects the kids enjoy the most. Meshach and Precious are the best with those two subjects. Who is playful? Well, Matthias and Vincent like to play a lot. So, what time do the kids report to school? All students report to school by 7:30 am. They stay at School until 4:30pm. What subjects do you teach? I teach Math and English.

Children’s Report;

Precious Nuwahereza: She is 8 years old, very energetic with an out going personality. She loves to perform and entertain. She has a heart of worship and will lead the others in worship and prayer often. She is very sharp and loves to go to school. She is very willing to help the care takers with the other children or whatever is needed. Precious is a great kid!

How Can I Help?
For all your donations and more information, please contact our USA Assistant Coordinator: Danae Powell: danae_powell@yahoo.com, under Sign of the Dove Church Waukegan, Illinois, USA


We are excited about this new property praise God!! This is the New Sign of the Dove Church property the Lord has provided for us OK, the sign post might miss lead you, the church is not there yet so make sure you don’t go there for our Sunday morning prayers. You won’t find us there at least not for now.
Sorry, it’s meant to point to the new property the Lord has provided for the sign of the dove community church here in Zana. We are so excited by what the Lord is doing for this community.

When God leads he also provides. Sign of the Dove Uganda is rejoicing for what the Lord has done for our church community here in Zana, Africa. Through the direction of the Holy Spirit our brothers, friends and family Sign of the Dove Waukegan has blessed our church with this new property and we want to THANK THEM SO MUCH.
This church property is going to be a home to many orphan children here in Africa, a playing ground for many, and a beacon of hope to the people of Zana. God has provided this property for his children to have a place they can call home a place where they will come to learn about God, new songs, new dances, games and meet new friends. The property is going to provide our kids with many opportunities for them to have a blessed life. Now you know why we will so fortunate to have this new property. Praise God!!


Do you know what is amazing about this piece of land? Its just 2 minutes walk away from where the currently church is, this is great! Nobody ever thought we could be this blessed for the last two years we have passed back and forth this piece of land and it had never occurred to any of us that one day that property will be ours!! Only GOD did! It was there in our faces and we had no idea God was keeping it for us. And you know what, at the right time that piece of land was up for sale, at the right time God provided the funds, at the right time we now own the land!! Isn’t that awesome!! We own it when our church bank accounts were empty at the time we bought Praise God, With God, Brethren, all things are possible!!

Catching up on news...

Jennifer is now doing both volleyball and track! Praise God for her heart to be her best. She is also doing very well in school and for those who didn't know she is taking a college level Bible class with me on Monday nights and continues to astound many an adult with her insight and heart for God. She will also be joining her brother on the First Lego League team that I am coaching. We have our first team meeting tonight and I will keep updating on our progress with this years Challenge.

Jordan and I had a great time bowling the other day while we let Jennifer have some 'alone time' at the library. Yes, we let her go get online by herself so she could correspond with her best friend, Alicia, who happens to be with her parents stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Now, back to Jordan and I bowling.. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Jordan is also doing great in school and for now is enjoying it and doing pretty good in the confidence department. This is always our biggest struggle. Jordan does not like to be wrong, think he is wrong, or have anyone else think that he is wrong. (Is it a guy thing??) Anyway, letting him see that learning comes through trial and error has been my goal for the past four years. We are getting there slowly but surely. He is VERY EXCITED about the new Lego League team. He was there at the championships back in January and saw other teams first hand competing and was hooked. Now he gets to participate and is thrilled.

We have had a change of plans for this weekend. I was planning on participating in the Berryman, a 36 hour adventure race, down in Van Buren, MO. and then after the race driving down to Lackland AFB, TX to see my nephew graduate from boot camp. Well, God made it really clear that He had other plans as first one, then the other started to get redirected. So now, new plan: We are driving down to Van Buren, MO to watch, volunteer and enjoy the Ozarks at the Berryman AR. We are then coming back home Monday for Jennifer to play in a volleyball game and for our Bible class. We will be tent camping Thursday through Sunday and biking and hiking in the mountains down at Big Springs Park.

I am so blessed!
Here is a picture of our backyard rabbit. We try not to think about what may have happened to the other three.. We have only seen this one for the past couple of months.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

God's Word had this treasure for me in it just waiting for my feelings of restlessness and distraction.

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the LORD forever,
For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength. (Isa 26:3-4)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Volleyball season is back and Jennifer has already started with practices. She has her first game coming up on the 25th of this month. School is going great but the days are getting shorter. [sigh] [[another BIG sigh]]

Last night we moved the various reptiles upstairs to the warmest room in the house. MINE. Most moms would freak out to have all those nocturnal critters staring at them throughout the night but I have to say it is sort of fun when I have to get up in the middle of the night to already have light enough to find the washroom and to see what they are up to. Dexter was very active last night and definitely got in a good workout in his new sand.

Tonight our small group starts back up after being off for the summer and I am looking forward to our Life Builders group meeting. Now if I could just think of something delicious to bring.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thunder Rolls Adventure Race

I just found out that if anyone were interested in tracking the race this weekend that it is available at www.checkpointtracker.com

The team I am racing on is Far Side.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

September already

As I read through my dearest friend's blog I am reminded of how much I miss her and also how horrible I have been about posting. I have no excuses but then again I don't need any. It is my blog. Well for those few who read this here is a quick snapshot of the past week. Kids are back into school again and hating every minute of it. Well, maybe not hating it but definitely not wanting to be done with "summer" and back to the ol' "early to bed, early to rise" routine. Jordan is adamant that he does NOT need to continue with his tutor for grammar and reading and Jennifer is positive that she will NEVER get through all this math. The drama is high right now. On a more positive note, we have had some great days just hanging out together as we say good-bye to the summer.

We were blessed to spend Labor Day down in Forest Park with our friend Anne at the city pool/park and boy did I need that day of rest, sun, cool water and wonderful friendship and fellowship. I love spending time with Anne because I can totally be myself (I am ALWAYS myself but I can be my messy, unmatched, messed up self with Anne)and we don't even have to do or say anything just chill out together. I hope everyone has someone like that. She treated us to pizza, salad and yummy apple pie a'la mode to end our wonderful day. I realized how long it has been since I have had anyone over for a meal or fellowship and determined that I am going to fix that real soon.

Tomorrow the kids and I and Dary and her two boys will head to Fox River Resort to spend the weekend. Actually, they will spend the weekend there and I will spend the weekend racing in the Thunder Rolls Adventure Race over in Illinois City, Illinois. It is going to be a tough but fun weekend.

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I love Jesus and want my life to be a reflection of His life in me!

A Good Read...

  • Rooms by James L. Rubart
  • C.S. Lewis
  • Any book written by Terri Blackstock
  • O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson
  • Black, White, Red (trilogy) by Ted Dekker
  • Driven by Eternity & Rescued by John Bevere
  • Under Cover by John Bevere